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Do you really need a multi-vitamin?

A better question is “do you need a multi-mineral?” Not only are mineral deficiencies more common than vitamin deficiencies, but you need minerals for your vitamins to even work.
A standardized daily allowance has created a skewed perception of our individual requirements and what is provided by the soil our food was grown in. Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes once said, “You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”
The Worlds Congress in the 1930s and again in the 1970s warned us that the presence of minerals in our soils and foods were already decreased by 70% and declared that 99% of humans and animals were deficient in minerals. Currently, Magnesium is the number 1 deficient nutrient in the US and is also a major mineral lacking in our water and soil.
What about vitamins? Water-soluble vitamins like all of the B-vitamins and vitamin C need minerals to be activated. Another major problem that contributes to lack of nutrients is due to the lack of access to freshly picked organic foods. Both of these vitamins deplete quickly post-harvest. Majority of testing results in my clinic support and show these deficiencies (even if people are taking these so-called vitamins).
On the other side, people may need to avoid folic acid (synthetic form) in fortified foods and in multivitamins because it blocks folate receptors if they have a slow DHFR enzyme and/or have a homozygous MTHFR gene. However, be careful with methylfolate dosage and don’t assume that more is always better. With MTHFR mutations often patients feel better with mineral supplementation BEFORE folate replacement. With most vitamins, minerals are needed for them to work in the first place. If you are taking methylfolate or folinic acid consider adding a mineral supplement to your regimen to increase efficacy.
SUMMARY: Before jumping to vitamin supplements, start replacing minerals first for 2-3 months and then see how you feel!
Top 5 Arguments for Mineral Supplements
1. Chemical agriculture has depleted, polluted and destroyed the soil and our water supply. If the minerals are not in the soil, they are not in the food. If the water is stripped of its minerals and polluted, and crop rotation and composting is not practiced, then the food is in a sorry state to begin with. Vitamins are highest when foods are freshly picked, and many decline rapidly post-harvest, both chemically and organically grown. Worldwide shipping and storage of fruits and vegetables give us further depleted food.
2. We are no longer growing our own food or collecting it from the wild fresh. Processed food has become a staple for a large percentage of the population, feeding people food that is calorie rich and nutrient poor. Very few people can obtain a daily diet based on our hunter-gatherer and farming ancestors.
3. Sugar, coffee, pharmaceutical medications, and alcohol consumption has created depletion on top of toxicity. prescription medications and coffee actual block the absorption of most minerals. Anti-acids like Prilosec or Tums are the most common cause of osteoporosis and mineral deficiencies. Without acid in our stomach we can't absorb minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc: essential minerals for building bones and decreasing anxiety. Ironically, heartburn or acid reflux, is also a sign of too little acid in the first place.
4. A highly chemical environment, diet, medications, and personal care products have put new demands on the human body that it has never had to deal with the history of mankind. Deficiencies of certain minerals increase the uptake of heavy metals. Lead will take the place of calcium, cadmium will take the place of zinc, aluminum will take the place of magnesium, and nickel will take the place of manganese.
5. An indoor, sedentary, high-stress environment puts additional demands on the body that increase the need for numerous vitamins and minerals that are also needed to offset the toxic byproducts of stress hormones. Often stress uses up Vitamin C and B-vitamins first. The highest concentration of vitamin C in the body is in the adrenal gland. Adrenals produce our stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.
Most of my patients will agree that they often feel better with minerals replaced in their water. This has two benefits:
1. Increased water uptake equals better hydration.
2. Increased mineral intake, to replace mineral deficiencies resulting in better moods, better, sleep and more energy!
The easiest way to get minerals:
Trace Minerals - 5 drops to every 3 gallons of water.
Dr. Preston, ND
Cynthia Preston, ND

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